el Ejercisio Perfecto
Mental Attitude

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Mental Attitude

  1. How badly do you want it?
    There are people who say that they want to get bigger and then there are those who do something about it. Are you willing to cut out the foods that taste good to you in favor of more nutritious foods that will help you grow? Are you willing to cut out drinking and partying so your body has ample time to rest and recuperate? Are you willing to make the time to ensure that you don't miss any workouts? Are you willing to place more importance on your workout than the things that normally take priority? No one said the road to making gains comes without sacrifice. What you have to do is evaluate exactly how important your workout is to you and adjust your behavior accordingly.

  2. Do it for yourself.
    Although I make alot of reference to how other people become impressed by your gains, the most important person you need to impress is yourself. If you're in it to impress other people, then you're in it for the wrong reasons. Frankly, most people don't care about the gains you make in the gym. In fact, it's quite the opposite. Many become jealous and resentful because you've accomplished something they couldn't. Your attempts at showing off only serve to remind them how lazy they are. I've even had people tell me that I was getting too big. My response to them was usually, "What the fuck does it matter to you? I'm doing this for myself, not you!"

  3. Know that you will succeed.
    Notice the use of the word "know" rather than "believe". "Believe" implies uncertainty. When you start this workout you should know that you are going to make tremendous gains and know nothing else but that.

  4. Be patient.
    When you see the actual workout, you may be surprised. The first thought in your mind may be "this couldn't be all there is to it." What I'm going to ask you to do is put your ego aside and trust me. The first three to four weeks of this program may appear to be useless but they are the most important part of the workout.

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