el Ejercisio Perfecto
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el Ejercisio Perfecto is a basic eight week program of progressive resistance that starts at a low to medium intensity into workout a high to all out intensity workout. This program is designed to gradually and consistently work you into heavier weights without overtraining you. This workout emphasizes basic mass movements, progression and brevity.

  1. Basic Mass Movements
    Since this workout is designed to put on muscle mass, only basic mass movements are included. I chose compound movements because you are able to lift more weight than with an isolated movement. A stronger muscle is a bigger muscle, period.

  2. Progression
    In order to make gains, you MUST increase your poundages every week. In the earlier weeks this is actually very easy since you are actually working at a level significantly below maximum capacity. As you progress, however, the workouts become increasingly more difficult. It is this increase in difficulty that create muscle growth.

  3. Brevity
    Long prolonged workouts only lead to overtraining. Your objective should be to have as intense a workout as you can in as few sets as necessary. In other words, do what gets the job done and nothing more.

Now without further ado, here is the workout:

Monday & Thursday Wednesday Tuesday & Friday
Incline Dumbell Bench Press 4x8 Squat 2x15 Lat Pulldown 4x8
Barbell Curl 4x8 Deadlift 2x15 Dumbell Military Press 4x8

This workout is performed with straight sets over an eight week period with increases in poundage every week. Depending on the exercise, you would add 5-10 pounds each week. In order to sustain these weekly poundage increases, you start out with a weight reasonably below maximum capacity. The starting weight should be such that you are working above maximum capacity by the time you reach week 8.

Finding a Starting Weight

You find your starting weight by taking your weekly increment, multiplying it by 6 and subtracting that number from your 8 rep maximum. Your 8 rep maximum is basically the maximum amount of weight you can perform 8 repetitions on a given exercise. For example, let's say your 8 rep maximum on the dumbell bench press is 70 pounds. For this exercise, you'd want to add 5 pounds a week. The way to find your starting weight would be:

5 (weekly increment) x 6 = 30

70 (8 rep maximum) - 30 = 40

This makes your starting weight for dumbell bench presses 40 pounds. You would do this for the rest of the exercises also. Below is a list of exercises with the recommended weekly increments:

Exercise Increment
Incline Dumbell Bench Press 5 lbs (ea)
Barbell Curl 5 lbs
Lat Pulldown 10 lbs
Dumbell Military Press 5 lbs (ea)
Squat * 10 lbs
Deadlift * 10 lbs

So a sample workout might look something like this:

Exercise 8-Rep Max Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8
Incline DB Press 70 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75
Squat * 185 125 135 145 155 165 175 185 195
Deadlift * 185 125 135 145 155 165 175 185 195
Lat Pulldown 150 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160
Dumbell Press 55 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Barbell Curl 60 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65

* For squats and deadlifts, I recommend a range of 15-20 reps.

After you have completed this cycle, I recommend taking a break off. This break gives your muscles a break from the intensity and also serves to prevent overtraining. When you start the cycle over, start with the poundages you used at week 2 or week 3 depending on how strong you feel. With each cycle, you'll also notice that as you reach your previous 8-rep max, you'll be able to handle the weight more easily than before.

Training Tips

  • Use good form.
    Now, you may look at your starting poundages and feel that they are too light. All I'm going to ask is that you follow the rules and start with the appropriate starting weight. Don't try to skip ahead and start at the heavier weights! You'll only end up overtrained. If you stick with this workout from beginning to end without cutting corners, you will make gains. Take advantage of the lower poundages to improve on your form and getting a full range of motion with the exercises.

    [Enhancing Your Technique]

  • Make sure you perform your workouts religiously.
    Make time for your workout. Don't make any plans that conflict with your workouts. If you're travelling out of town make sure there's a gym in the area. If your wife wants you home early, cut work or tell her to wait. If your buddies want to go to happy hour, tell them you'll pass. If your girlfriend gets jealous of your workouts let her go. If you can't do this, you aren't serious about gaining muscle. You've got to commit to your workout like nothing else in this world. It's only one hour out of the day, there should be no excuse for missing a workout.

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